'Real James Bond': A Facebook Discussion
My Column: A Different Kind of Feeder

Snipe on Celery Farm Mudflats

102324 - woodcock 5-topaz                       Photo by Brian Welsh

I went to the Warden's Watch with my spotting scope today in hopes of seeing an unusual bird or two. To my surprise, I spied what turned out to a Wilson's Snipe (Thanks, Chris Takacs) on the mudflats directly north of the Warden's Watch. I had originally ID'd it as an American Woodcock, based on sme faulty assumptions.

Even better, photographer Brian Welsh arrived with a camera and large lens and took some terrific photos.  This bird was far away. Thank you, Brian!

I would have posted a few more shots, but my blog provider's software is acting up.

More on Wilson's Snipes here:


