The rumors are true!
On Thursday, October 31, the afternoon raptor counter at State Line Hawk Watch is sponsoring a little costume party. Everyone is invited.
(He stole the idea from Kerri Wallace, so she gets a special invite. Karl Soehnlein has suggested "Halloween over the Hudson" for a previous Oct. 31, so Karl also gets a special tip of the hat.
The first 12 people in attendance between 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. wearing some sort of bird costume will receive a free chocolate bar. Anyone dressed as a Peregrine will get -- what else?-- a Dove Bar.
The rules are simple: Just wear something that identifies you as a bird, preferably a mask. (Sorry, no hybrids.)
For example, can you identify the bird pictured above?
Correct answer: an adult Bald Eagle that's occasionally immature.
Happy Hawk-o-ween. Hope to see you on Oct. 31.