State Line Lookout: Calm Before the Storm
August 14, 2024
The official State Line Hawk Watch begins on Tuesday, Sept. 5, and runs through Friday, Nov. 15.
When I was there yesterday at midday, the hawk watch area was the calm before the storm, but the skies had plenty of action, including a marvelous aerial display by the two resident Peregrines (no sight of the juveniles).
Brian Kenney was there as well, and he saw one of the adults dive-bomb one of two juvenile Bald Eagles flying low over the Hudson while I went to get my camera. (Arrgh!) I did the Peregrines strafe a Red-tail in the distance. Also saw an Osprey or two and a Red-shoulder.
On a walk along the wall also came across a small pellet. and a Wild Turkey that did not appear to be migrating as it was headed north along the wall.