A Quick Walk Around the Celery Farm
December 20, 2023
The Celery Farm is muddy but walkable. Fred Weber re-placed the small bridge (first row, first photo) that had washed out by the apartments on Rio Vista and he is probably responsible for the trail work to the north of there (first row,second photo).
If you are wondering what's going on by the butterfly garden, Neil MacLennon and his team of volunteers have done a yeoman's job of removing invasives and tilling the soil (row one photo three) in preparation for a native plant garden next spring.
A walker pointed out a young Red-tail that had perched in a tree after being startled while in the midst of nailing a squirrel. I got a cellphone pic of the raptor (second row, first photo; you may have to click it), and the walker and I removed a fallen tree from the long boardwalk on the west side. (second row, second photo.)
Thanks, all!