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November 2023

Tomorrow: My Next Allendale Talk


Tomorrow (Thursday, Nov. 30) at 7 p.m. at Allendale Borough Hall, I'll be giving a free  talk about my new book, "The Screech Owl Companion."

Screech owls are charismatic and local. Learn all about them -- how to attract them to nest in your yard -- and make your yard more nature-friendly.

As a bonus, we are selling an amazing selection of Jerry Barrack's fine-arts photographic prints of the Celery Farm and other nature shots. Many are from books we have done together, including the Celery Farm book and  "Duck Enough to Fly."

The prints are reasonably priced, and all the proceeds will go to local non-profits -- including the library, the garden club, the Fyke Nature Association and the group that rescues local raptors.

These photos are mounted and ready to frame -- perfect holiday gifts.

The talk, sponsored by the Lee Memorial Library and the Allendale Garden Club, is open to all.

Please register so we know how many folks are coming. You can register here or here:

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Save the Dates: 3 Upcoming Book Events

Raptor Trust Screenshot 2023-11-20 at 7.33.22 AMI have three upcoming Screech Owl Companion events of note:

On Thursday, Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. I will give a screech owl talk and sign books in Allendale's Borough Borough Hall. The talk is sponsored by the Lee Memorial Library and the Allendale Garden Club. I will have several beautiful mounted Celery Farm prints by Jerry Barrack for sale.

On Saturday, Dec. 2, at 11 a.m., I will give a screech owl talk and sign books at Wild Birds Unlimited on Route 17 South in Paranus.

On Sunday, Dec. 3, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., I will be part of The Raptor Trust's Owl-a-palooza. Here's The Raptor Trust's write-up: "Owl Booked Up: Meet author Jim Wright, whose latest book The Screech Owl Companion just came out, for an informal book signing and open house. Kids can make an owl ornament!" The Raptor Trust is located at Whitebridge Road in Millington, N.J.

All three events are free and open to the public.

Coot, Mon!

John Pastore shared this photo he took on Thursday at the CF.

"Just one, who appeared to act as though he thinks himself to be a mallard (judging by the company he was keeping)," sez John.

(Thanks, John!)


A Very Cool Find @ My Screech Talk

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The other night, I gave a talk on my screech owl book for Hasbrouck Heights' Free Public Library and the town's Garden Club.

The turnout was great, the audience was engaging, and I enjoyed myself immensely. There was even an owl in the room -- but not the type you'd expect.

The owl was a "Meeting Owl 3" from Owl Labs.

The device has a center-of-room camera/microphone that zooms in on speakers’ faces for a face-to-face view.

As you can see, it even looks like an owl.

You can read more here:

How cool is that?