Join Mike Lefebvre, the publicity chairperson for Fyke, for a guided tour of this 107-acre fresh-water wetlands in Allendale at 10 a.m. Saturday, sponosred by theNative Plant Society of NJ.
Mike is active in leading plant ID walks and talks for Fyke, the Bergen County Audubon Society, the Friends of the NJ School of Conservation and the Friends of the Bonsal Preserve.
In addition to the hunderds of species of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, butterflies, and insects that inhabit this nature preserve, there are many native trees, shrubs, ferns, grasses and vines.
This land was originally a peat bog but was converted into a farm after it was drained. It was then used to grow onions and celery. Today it is a nature preserve and bird sanctuary.
Parking and Directions:
No need to register. Attendees, please park off the Green Way entrance near the meadow entrance to the Celery Farm. Please note that parking is limited. Do not block driveways or mailboxes.
Click on this link for directions: