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April 2022

A Pen-and-Ink of the Fell House by McGill!

SinglePDF0868-01(1)-compressed-page-001 (1)Some 245 years ago tomorrow, the patriot John Fell was arrested in his home on what is now 475 Franklin Turnpike and imprisoned by the British in the notorious Provost Jail in lower Manhattan.

To honor Fell's patriotism, my wife Patty and I commissioned the well-known illustrator Charlie McGill to do a pen-and-ink rendition of the house. (The Celery Farm was once part of Fell's property.)

Although McGill is famous for his decades-long "Athlete of the Week" illustrations for The Record, he also did some incredible illustrations of Bergen County's best-known pre-Revolutionary War houses.

My wife and I decided it was high time the historic Fell House had an illustration of its own.

You can read a newspaper article about my old friend Charlie here:

I am embarrassed to admit that although Charlie did the artwork in 2018, only this month did I realize that I could take the very large illustration to Staples and have it scanned.

So here it is, better late than never!

Thank you, Charlie!

Ad for McGill's home

This Friday: Next Fyke Zoom Talk!

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What's That Tree? Identifying the Flora
in the Celery Farm's Klomburg Woods.

A Presentation by Mike Lefebvre

The 107-acre Celery Farm is filled with not only birds but a rich variety of trees and shrubs.

Join Mike Lefebvre as he identifies the flora found in the Klomburg Woods, a deciduous wooded wetland just north of Lake Appert and to the east of the Green Way entrance to the Celery Farm.

Mike is a nature enthusiast who has documented the flora of New Jersey's natural areas, including Garret Mountain and Rifle Camp Park, and authored the nature blog NJUrbanForest for several years.

He worked in the corporate world for more than 12 years and is currently a full-time student completing a bachelor's degree in earth and environmental science from Montclair State University.

Please register in advance for this webinar at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. As always, Fyke meetings are free and open to all.

Since 2015, Fyke's speaker costs have been funded by a generous grant from the Winifred M. and George P. Pitkin Foundation.

The image above is from the wonderful guided walk that Mike led last year -- including a plant mystery that involved Abe Lincoln's mom!