John Pastore's Celery Farm Magazine
March 18, 2022
Introducing Winter at the Celery Farm Nature Preserve, the Winter 2022 edition of DECADE’S BEST, featuring the photography of John F. Pastore.
John first ‘discovered’ the Celery Farm in the late 1970s, and has been studying the preserve and its inhabitants with his camera since 2009.
Part one of a four-part series, this issue features the scenes of winter – skating and ice hockey, snowstorms and late winter birding.
John shares memories of some of his favorite winter experiences at the Celery Farm, along with his poem Ode to the Celery Farm – Winter.
Click on this link to view an abbreviated preview:
Copies of the full 60-page issue are offered ‘at cost’, for $13.99 (plus tax and shipping) from website:
John did a great job, with wonderful images. See for yourself.