Comprehensive Celery Farm and Mt. Peter Birds Lists
July 29, 2021
As part of the Fyke Nature Association website upgrade, Tom Mitchell has compiled an Hour on the Tower list of bird sightings from 2016 to 2021 with the help of Charlie West and Darlene Lembo.
Tom Mitchell has included Rib Fanning's Celery Farm sightings from 1998 to 2008 and information on the Mount Peter Hawk Watch via Judy Cinquina as well -- with a link to the Hawk Count website's Mount Peter sit info, no less.
You can read about the Hour on the Tower and see the lists here.
You can read a "Bird Watcher" column I wrote about the Hour on the Tower here.
(Photo above from two decades ago by Jerry Barrack, from In the Presence of Nature, one of the Celery Farm books that Jerry and I did.)