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February 2021

My Column: In Search of Silver Linings

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My column for The Record this week is about trying to find a better balance between humans and nature in a post-Covid time.

I do point out a couple of examples where birds (and beasts) need humans for protection.

Example: A murre colony on an island in the Baltic Sea benefited from having humans around. Photo above courtesy of the Baltic Seabird Project.)

Here's the column:

Continue reading "My Column: In Search of Silver Linings" »

Fyke Talk: Urban Red-tails, Feb. 26

Wave hill red-tailFriday, February 26,  8 p.m. Online via Zoom

Urban Hawks with Gabriel Willow

NYC naturalist Gabriel Willow will give a multimedia presentation about Pale Male and some of the other Red-tailed Hawks that have made an astonishing and inspiring comeback in the area over the past 30 years.

There were no breeding Red-tails in urban NYC & NJ in the 1980s, and now there are at least 50 pairs!

He'll also discuss the basics of raptor ID and conservation challenges as well.

You can register for this talk -- free and open to all -- at:

I took the photo above on one of Gabriel's excellent Wave Hill walks.

Since 2015 Fyke's monthly speaker costs have been funded by a generous grant from the Winifred M. and George P. Pitkin Foundation.