Exciting Wild Turducken News!
August 19, 2020
As I mentioned in my High Mountain Zoom talk for The Nature Conservancy (you can view it here), I may have made a major discovery.
While hiking near the summit recently, I found a huge turducken-like feather with a quarter next to it (see image below, note quarter)-- the 25-cent coin a well-known turducken calling card.
A few days later, I came across what could be the first-ever Wild Turducken egg found in the wild (see photo above, note telltale quarter).
I have been seeking these elusive birds for years, ever since Joe Koscielny spotted one at the Celery Farm -- but to no avail.
I have tried every fowl and owl call known to science, including a Wild Haggis call imported from Scotland (see below, upper right), but have not been able to lure a wily Turducken yet.
(The Wild Haggis call did lead me to the discovery of the Wild Turken egg.)
I have notified the state about the egg discovery and sent the egg for DNA testing. I am told that because of the flood of Coronavirus testing, the lab probably won't report back to next spring -- perhaps by early April.
Stay tuned!