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April 2019

At the Environmental Fair, a Poop Talk

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I have to say I did not see it coming -- the eaglet poop or the comment from a very bright youngster.

Several of us were watching the Duke Farm Eagles Cam that I was showing at the fair. When I wasn't looking, an eaglet pooped and sent it flying out of the nest (above left). The boy then commented, "That eagle just peed out of the nest."

We replayed it, and I said that it wasn't pee, etc., and felt myself getting in deeper and deeper, so to speak.

I then said that a raptor expert at Hawk Mountain said that what the eaglet did was called "throwing a mute." 

Not helpful and probably a bit TMI for youngsters and adults alike.

For those who wish to try to explain such things when asked, I found a useful explanation here. I think.

Links to Eagle Cam and E-books

Duke Farms e-book coverAs part of my talks at the Northern Valley Environmental Fair,  I promised I would post here all the links I discussed.

They include:

The Duke Farms Eagle Cam:

The Duke Farms interactive Bald Eagle e-book was designed by Mimi Sabatino and includes a ton of information about Duke Farms' Bald Eagles as well as the Bald Eagle's amazing comeback in New Jersey and beyond -- plus plenty of excellent links.

Also featured: Some great photography by Kevin Watson. 

You can view it here:

The Bald Eagles in the Meadowlands & Beyond e-book -- a nifty collaborative effort --can be viewed or downloaded here:

Download BaldEaglesintheMeadowlandsBeyondSoft.

Bald Eagles in the Meadowlands cover