2 Eagles on Nest at Duke Farms
A Special 10th Anniversary

Save the Dates: My Next Two Talks

       _MG_0480I am pleased to announce that I'll be two birding talks this month, both free and open to the public.

The first -- Books, Blogs and Bergen Birds --  is Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 8 p.m. for the Bergen County Audubon Society. I'm putting the illustrated talk together now, and it looks like the lineup includes Icky the Hungry Heron, a little about my Bald Eagle EBooks, my top 10 favorite Bergen County birds of All-time (you heard me!) and perhaps a surprise or two. As Stiles Thomas would say, "Only a would miss it."

The second -- All about My Bird Watcher column -- is part of the third annual Eagle Fest on Sunday, January 20, at noon, for the Bergen County Historical Society and the Bergen County Audubon Society. It will feature my favorite columns over the past 10 years -- including such recent classics as Mandarin Patinkin of Central Park and the Bluebird Man of Bergen County. As Stiles Thomas would repeat, "Only a would miss it."

Details to follow.
