A Special 10th Anniversary
What's Your Favorite All-time Bergen Bird?

My Free Duke Farms' Bald Eagle E-Book Is Back!

Duke Farms e-book cover
Three years ago, I did an e-book about Bald Eagles for Duke Farms and the Conserve Wildlife Foundation, and I am pleased to announce that it's back online.

One of the many cool things about the  e-book is you can go any chapter quickly by just clicking it on the Contents page.

The eBook was designed by Mimi Sabatino and includes a ton of information about Duke Farms' Bald Eagles as well as the Bald Eagle's amazing comeback in New Jersey and beyond -- plus plenty of excellent links.

Also featured: Some great photography by Kevin Watson.

If your electronic device's "volume control" is on, you can even hear the digital pages turn.

You can view it here.

Since of the links to the Duke Farms blog are outdated now, I will try to include them in this post as I update it.

You can view the Duke Farms nest live below. Note that you can "rewind" for up to two hours if you missed anything...

Updated links

Chapter 2, Page 13: The History of Bald Eagle Nests in America

Chapter 4, Page 20:  Photo Sequence of 2015 Duke Farm Eagle Egg Hatching  (only one image)

                                      The History of Bald Eagle Eggs in New Jersey

Chapter 6, Page 27:  What's Become of Some Duke Farms Bald Eagle After They Left the Nest

Chapter 8, Page 34:  Examples of Students' Bald Eagle Work





