Eagle E-books and Meadowlands Blog
The Winner of the 2018-19 Crowphy Is ...

Favorite Bergen Birds: Poll Results

I asked folks to vote for their favorite Bergen Bird (an individual bird, not a species) in order, and have received nearly 50 replies, plus write-ins.

Here are the nine, from last to first --including a tie ICKY fish:

9. Mandarin Patinkin (Edgewater and Central Park)

8. The Wild Turducken (Celery Farm)

7. Northern Wheatear (DeKorte Park)

6. Mike the Shrike (Disposal Road)

5. George Pelecanos (DeKorte Park

4. Icky the Heron (Celery Farm)

3. Ralph the Redhead (Celery Farm)

1a. Laura the Red-shoulder (Allendale & Ramsey)

1. Alice the Bald Eagle (photo above by Alice Leurck)

Write-ins included Pepto the Pink-footed Goose, the Great Black Hawk in Maine (it may have flown over Bergen), and the Gyrfalcon at State Line Lookout.

If you haven't taken the short and entertaining SurveyMonkey survey, click here to take it now.

E-mail me at [email protected] if you want to write in another candidate.
