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October 2018

Aerial Photos of CF, Stateline & More

JW High MT LightHawk TNC-IMG_1681

Yesterday, I posted a PBS show about all the great projects that the volunteer pilots' group LightHawk does for the environment.

Today, I thought I'd share some earlier posts about LightHawk and the photos I've taken for them.

LightHawk's Delaware River Watershed Project

Raptor's Eye-view of the Cape May Hawkwatch

Aerial View of Hyper Humus Marsh

Aerial Views of the Celery Farm

Raptor's eye-view of the Stateline Lookout

LightHawk's website is here.

A High Mountain aerial I took with LightHawk's help for The Nature Conservancy is above (where else?).

Thanks, LightHawk!



Great PBS Show about LightHawk

One of my favorite conservation groups is LightHawk, a group of volunteer pilots who donate their planes, expertise and time for conservation projects throughout North America -- including ones that help California Condors, Rusty Blackbirds and other endangered birds.

I have taken aerial photography for LightHawk since 2009, and am proud to be affiliated with them.

Very cool to see LightHawk's Jonathan Milne, who I have worked with many timesm featured in the PBS program.

LightHawk's website is here.

Tomorrow: LightHawk aerials of North Jersey natural areas and hawk watches, including the Celery Farm and Stateline Lookout.