Monday Morning Mystery 052118
May 21, 2018
This has been lying in the ditch along the path south of the Butterfly Garden for years.
Looks sort of like a gutter, but could it be an old watering trough from the Celery Farm's farm days.
This has been lying in the ditch along the path south of the Butterfly Garden for years.
Looks sort of like a gutter, but could it be an old watering trough from the Celery Farm's farm days.
A reader writes:
My wife and I feed birds 12 months a year and have since 1993.
A reader writes:
Please identify this poor wet birdie who was drowning in my fish pool when my MIL fished him out with a small piece of wood.
Poor little guy was shivering and allowed me to get these closeups.
Looks like someone tried to dab blue paint on his face!
A friend thought he was a first winter Indigo Bunting. Is he correct?
I can’t imagine such a beautiful bird popping up in my yard in Maywood!
What's been chewing on the Brotherton Wren box, and what's the best way to repair the damage to prevent its recurrence?
Carol Flanagan blamed a squirrel an suggested putting up a metal barrier along the gnawed part.
We'll see what we can do. (Thanks, Carol!)
I remember reading how North Jersey was the "the land of Deer and Wild Turkeys" in the days of John Fell.
I guess it is once more, for better or worse. (Couldn't fit the other three deer in the frame.)