Yesterday, I asked readers to identify some scat that a visitor to Allendale found in her parents' side yard.
Two readers responded and confirmed our suspicion: Wile E. Coyote scat.
Thanks to the Teschons and Diane Van Kempen for their I.D. help.
I am a big fan of coyotes -- they area nice addition to our often sterile suburban environs.
You can learn more about Eastern Coyotes in New Jersey, including how to coexist with them, from this NJ DEP web page, located here.
I especially liked this sentence:
"Coyotes play an important role in the ecosystem, helping to keep rodent populations under control. They are by nature wary of humans. However, coyote behavior changes if given access to human food and garbage."
The photo below of two young coyotes was taken by a reader named Pedro a decade ago in Mahwah. (Thanks, Pedro!)