Tom Mitchell's Latest Celery Farm Pix
Hawks Over the Hudson Is Sunday!

Hawk Watch on Maine's Cadillac Mountain

On a quick trip to Maine's Mount Desert Island earlier this week, a friend and I drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain for a quick hike around the summit.

When we learned they had a hawk watch there, we had to stop by.

Alas, we arrived at 2:30 p.m., and the hawk watch is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Think of a birding brunch.

We did see a vulture, and that was it bird-wise, but the views were incredible and a Common Buckeye and a couple of other butterflies were enjoying the vista.

Next time I'll try to get there earlier.

More about the Cadillac Mountain Hawk Watch here.

