TNC Moth Night: S'Moths & S'Mores
July 15, 2017
Help me kick off the 6th annual National Moth Week at The Nature Conservancy's Kay Center in Chester on Saturday, July 22, as we set up special moth-attracting lights and learn more about these often-misunderstood nighttime marvels.
Enjoy a short talk (by yours truly) on why moths matter, and then we’ll fire up the moth lights. Moth expert Wade Wander will help TNC host the event as well, and that's pretty awesome.
When you're not looking at moths, you can enjoy some S'Mores and see if a special showing of an old Godzilla movie attracts moths to the screen. The event, free and open to the public, runs from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m.. The Kay Center is located at 200 Pottersville Road Chester, NJ.
RSVP to Lisa Shippy-Woods at [email protected] or call 908-955-0356.