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July 2017

Monday Mystery 072417: Trail Cam Pix

Since early May, I have had a motion-sensitive trail cam next to Stiles Thomas bird drip.

I have deleted thousands of images and kept a few, including a little surprise or two.

We can I.D. most of them. How about you?  I'll post at least two a week so as no prolong the agony.

(I would have gotten a high-def trail cam but they cost three times as much.)


TNC Moth Night @ the Kay Center

Can't say that the weather cooperated, but folks had a thoroughly enjoyable Moth Night with The Nature Conservancy at the Kay Center in Chester last night.

Because of a light but unpredictable rain, we moved the old Mothra movie, the S'Mores and the popcorn inside, and then set up the Mercury vapor light and a sheet under an overhang outside. IMG_4184

We did not expect much moth activity.  All I can is, Boy, were we surprised.

Not only did we have at least one outrageously strange little moth we think is a Beautiful Wood-nymph, but we also had two very cool hawk moths (think: tiny Stealth Bombers), a tussock moth caterpillar and a huge American toad. Not bad for a drizzly night.

The goal of the evening was to remind folks just how nifty nature can be at night if we pay attention.

May post more pix if they become available.

Moth Night, by the way, is part of the eighth annual National Moth Week, a terrific worldwide event. You can learn more here.

Just wanted to thank Lisa Shippy-Woods and The Nature Conservancy for putting together and hosting this very cool and educational event -- awesome job. 

A "thank you," too, to everyone who participated despite the uncertain (at best) weather. 

(Also wanted to give a tip o' the  cap to moth'ers Garry Annibal and Lee Gaitskill for their I.D. help.)
IMG_4212Hawk Moth  (likely Virginia Creeper Hawk Moth)                     

IMG_4170Beautiful Wood-nymph Moth, featuring fuzzy tufts on its forelegs. "Beautiful" is an actual part of its name.

IMG_4161Tussock Moth Caterpillar

IMG_4216Horned Spanworm Moth

The New Hedge Trimmer at Work

Tried out the new Fyke cordless hedge trimmer in the Green Way IMG_4584 meadow yesterday a.m. 

Now we can see all of the beautiful wildflowers that Fred Weber planted much better.

A big thank you to Peter Burger for donating the money for the hedge trimmer and extra battery.

The trimmer is great for cutting invasive reeds and weeds. It will be well-used -- and has proven its worth already at the Pirie-Mayhood Tower, Parnell's Path, and the Green Way Meadow. (Thanks, Peter!)

A big thanks, too, to folks who cut more of the Phrags at the Pirie-Mayhood Tower. the view of the lake is great once again!


Kay Center Butterflies & More

Not only is The Nature Conservancy sponsoring a free Moth Night tonight at the Kay Center, but the grounds there offer some primo butterfly-watching. (Click here for more info on tonight's free S'Moths an S'Mores event in Chester.)

Among the butterflies I saw there this week were Spicebush Swallowtail, many Monarchs, Question Mark, Wood Nymph, Great Spangled Fritillary, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Silver-spotted Skipper. 

Also had a few Hummingbird Clear-winged Moths for a Moth Night warm-up act.

I'll let you figure out which butterflies and moths are which, but if anyone can I.D. that flower at the end....IMG_4083





