Monday Mystery 071717: Trail Cam Pix
A Coupla Meadowlands Moths

Deer-proof Native Plants

Since my wife and I live near the Celery Farm, which is overrun with White-tailed Deer, the native plants in our yard have taken a beating (or should I say "an eating")?

This spring we have added a new plant to the mix -- Prickly Pear Cactus -- which is native to New Jersey. So far, the deer have said "ix-nay" to IMG_4555the "actus-cay."

Nice-looking bloom, too. I've seen 'em on High Mountain.

Did I mention the cactus is also called "the Devil's Tongue"?  And there's even a snack bar (right) that features it?

Clearly, this plant has it all.

More on these cacti, or cactuses, here. (Not sure why it's categorized as a harmful plant, except to the "bare feet" mentioned in the link. Anybody know?)
