Red-breasted Nuthatch by Phair's Pond
Two High Mountain Videos Worth Seeing

This Friday: My High Mountain Talk for Fyke

JW TNC High Mountain Clove-001
On Friday, Oct. 28, I am giving a
talk about the two coolest aspects of 1,260-acre High Mountain Park Preserve in nearby Wayne -- the historic summit and the amazing Franklin Clove.  The talk is free and open to the public.

As a bonus, I'll give a reading  my new ground-breaking tale about a strange, seldom-seen bird that lives on the summit (the reading will feature illustrations by artist Miwa Ishikawa of William Paterson University).

 The rest of the entertaining talk and slide show will feature nature photography,  aerial photos and archival images.

Co-sponsored by Allendale's Lee Memorial Library, the talk is at the Fyke Nature Association meeting at 8 p.m. at the Allendale Municipal Building, 500 W. Crescent Ave., Allendale.
