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August 2016

High Mountain Hazards

Boobytrap080416The Record has a troubling story about someone placing nasty booby traps on the trails at High Mountain Park Preserve -- including barbed wire, broken bottles and nails driven through boards.

A big thanks to the Wayne police for bringing the problem to the public's attention.

The 1,260-acre preserve has more than 11 miles of trails, so keep your eyes out if you are hiking there.

The Record story is here.

2.5 Cool Celery Farm Butterflies



When I did a couple of loops around the Celery Farm yesterday, I came across three "trophy" butterflies --  a Spicebush Swallowtail on Parnell's Path, a Monarch in the Butterfly Garden and a Great-spangled Fritillary that had just flown from the Celery Farm into my yard (hence the .5).

It was a tough call, but somebody had to make it...
