August 2016
Classic Pix of a Celery Farm Great Blue
August 06, 2016
High Mountain Hazards
August 05, 2016
The Record has a troubling story about someone placing nasty booby traps on the trails at High Mountain Park Preserve -- including barbed wire, broken bottles and nails driven through boards.
A big thanks to the Wayne police for bringing the problem to the public's attention.
The 1,260-acre preserve has more than 11 miles of trails, so keep your eyes out if you are hiking there.
The Record story is here.
What's Unusual about This Photo?
August 05, 2016
2.5 Cool Celery Farm Butterflies
August 04, 2016
When I did a couple of loops around the Celery Farm yesterday, I came across three "trophy" butterflies -- a Spicebush Swallowtail on Parnell's Path, a Monarch in the Butterfly Garden and a Great-spangled Fritillary that had just flown from the Celery Farm into my yard (hence the .5).
It was a tough call, but somebody had to make it...