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July 2016

A Big Adios to the Parnell's Path Obstruction

There has  been a nasty, dense overhang of Wild Grape vines, Multiflora Rose and dead tree branches at the start of Parnell's Path by the Boy Scout Platform, and last night's rain turned it to a nasty, sense low overhang.

No more.

Volunteer Matt Shippee of Ridgewood and I worked in the mass of vegetation for about an hour this afternoon.

Final Score:
Matt and Jim                      1
Annoying Overhang          0


Update: Matt and I did more tree-trimming Thursday.

(Thanks, Matt!)



Monday Morning Mystery 072516


In honor of National Moth Week, can you ID this moth? It was photographed in Pennsylvania by Nick Taryla,  a friend of Sandee Faust.

Fifth annual Meadowlands Moth Night is tonight at DeKorte Park. More info is here.

For more information on National Moth Week next week, click here.

Moth Night at the Fell House -- S'Moths and S'Mores -- is this Sunday, July 31.

A Few Backyard Moths and a Damselfly


Got out the moth lights the other night to remind myself of all the cool little nighttime critters we share this planet with. Here's some of what the lights attracted.

National Moth Week starts tonight, so maybe I'll have to get the moth lights out again.

Moth Night in the Meadowlands (which Don Torino of Bergen County and I started in 2012 in conjunction with the first National Moth Week) is Monday! Hope to see you there.

Fell House Moth Night is Sunday, July 31, the final night of nine-night National Moth Week. (Hope to see you there, too.)

Link is here.

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DeKorte Park Butterflies & Clear-winged Moth

IMG_0179Sorry I have to miss the annual Butterfly Day at DeKorte Park this year for the first time  -- Don Torino of Bergen County Audubon Society and I created the event seven years ago, and it has been growing every year since.

Earlier this week, I did a quick trip to DeKorte to see what was around -- and promptly saw a Snowberry Clear-winged Moth, a couple of Monarchs, a Silver-spotted Skipper and a Comma.

