Losen Walk Is Tomorrow (Sunday)
This Saturday: Free Celery Farm Walk

A New Weekly Feature: TNC Tuesday

NJ trail cam bobcat 640x400
As you may know, I am affiliated with The Nature Conservancy in New Jersey (I'm a trustee) and have been doing a lot of work with them -- most notably with High Mountain.

TNC has a new blog called, appropriately, the New Jersey Blog. I thought I'd highlight the blog by linking to a post  each Tuesday, beginning this week with a post on invasives (William Shakespeare is to sort of blame for the European Starling, a.k.a. the Bard Bird).

I missed posting this cool piece on Bobcat Alley in Northwestern New Jersey, which features a trap photo of a bobcat in -- you guessed it -- Bobcat Alley. TNC's Sam Casquiera took the photo (above) and wrote the post. 

The post also includes an aerial photo I took for TNC of part this important wildlife corridor. The link is here.
