Ringing in the New Year, 2016!
My Celery Farm Bird of the Year (So Far)

Monday Morning Mystery Answered

On Monday, I asked: "What is this? I know of at least two other North Jerseyans who own one." DSCN9050

The answer is an Olt Turkey Hooter and Owl Call.

Janet Terchek, Sally Teschon and Randal Sokolik all ID'd it correctly, and Randal even knew it was an Olt.

The directions that came with the call note that "the owl [call] can also be used to call owls and for shooting owls in the states where the law does not prohibit."

Shooting owls is illegal in New Jersey, thank goodness.

By the way, Stiles Thomas and Don Torino also own their own Olt owl calls.
