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November 2015

Redhead, Am. Bittern Continue, with Map

Saw the Redhead hanging out with several other duck species in the patch of open water opposite the Pirie-Mayhood Tower. Bittern was by the Boy Scout Platform but flew as soon as I came into view on the path.

Ralph has now been here 37 days.

Updated map follows. "X" marks Redhead locales from 8 a.m. yesterday to 8

Continue reading "Redhead, Am. Bittern Continue, with Map" »

Ralph the Redhead, and Bob the Bittern at CF at 4 p.m.

Alice Leurck reports seeing the Redhead in the Boy Scout Platform channel minutes ago. I just saw an Am.Bittern in the channel at No Name Culvert. It flew a little down the channel and landed just before Lake Appert.

And no, no one is really calling the bittern "Bob."

Has one last year on Nov. 9, with pix, here. Rob Fanning says the latest date for an American Bittern at the Celery Farmis Nov. 27.

(Thanks, Alice and Rob!)


A 10-Duck Day, plus Pix

Cel Frm - 11-20-Northern Shovelers 2
Two visits to the Warden's Watch (one with spotting scope) netted me 10 duck species in one day at the Celery Farm. (I did not see the Hoodies that were hanging out last week, or it would have been 11).

Does anyone know what the record is?

Here are the 10: Ruddy, Redhead, Am. Wigeon, Northern Shoveler, Mallard, Black Duck, Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Gadwall, and another one.

I just remembered -- Wood Duck!

Joe Koscielny visited the Celery Farm recently and shared the pix accompanying this post. (Thanks, Joe! What, no Ralph pic this time? An earlier Joe K. pic of Ralph is here, for the record.)

  • Cel Frm - 11-20-Kingfisher 4
  • Cel Frm -11-20-Wigeons 5
  • Cel Frm - 11-20-Great Blue Heron 1
Cel Frm - 11-20-Great Blue Heron 1