The Blog's New Look and Expanded Scope
September 29, 2015
This blog has a new header, and the description has been changed to reflect a wider range of topics.
(I should have added local history, the Stateline Hawk Lookout, occasional local ghost stories, and perhaps Wave Hill, but I ran out of room.)
The blog will try to use the "category" function more so that if you want to see only the posts on, say, High Mountain, or the John Fell House, you can do it at a click or two, but the easiest way to find anything is with the search function in the upper right.
Disclosures: I am working with The Nature Conservancy (I am affiliated with them) and a few other groups on making High Mountain more visitor-friendly, and I welcome your suggestions.
I am also affiliated with the Fyke Nature Association, the volunteer group that mains the Celery Farm, and I am the deputy marsh warden there.
I am working on an eBook about Duke Farms' nesting Bald Eagles for the Duke Farms Foundation and Conserve Wildlife Foundation.
I'm a member of Wave Hill in The Bronx, and they used a photo or two of mine or their blog.
Hope you like the added focus. Feedback always welcome.