NJCF Video on the Celery Farm
Stiles Thomas Unveils His New Carving

Today: Hawks Over the Hudson

Today (Sunday, Oct. 5) State Line Lookout in Alpine, in the Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey, will host a special nature event called “Hawks Over the Hudson.”

To be held rain or shine from 12 to 4 p.m., the program will feature live birds of prey presented by the Delaware Valley Raptor Center at 1 and 2:30 PM.

At 12:15 or so, Celery Farm Marsh Warden Emeritus Stiles Thomas will unveil his latest carving -- of a Red-shouldered Hawk. There may be an Allendale Irish step-dancer performing as well.

Between the programs, visitors will have a chance to see the animals up close, chat with the presenters, and to enjoy activities and exhibits presented by some of the member organizations of the Nature Program Cooperative, an affiliation of local nature centers and environmental groups that is sponsoring the event.

The program is free and open to all, with no advanced registration required to attend.

(Photo above was taken at the lokout three weeks ago.)
