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May 2014

Please Attend Meeting on Deer Problem


The state DEP is presenting a special deer-management seminar at Allendale's Borough Hall on Thursday at 7:30 p.m.

As you likely know, White-tailed Deer have over-populated our region, posing an enormous threat on our roads, spreading the ticks that carry Lyme Disease, and destroying our gardens.

Tell your friends in other towns about the presentation as no town in Bergen County has addressed this problem.

Great Strides at the CF: Part 2

In addition to the new Mayhood Extension at the Pirie Platform, the Pine Grove at the Green Way entrance has five beautiful White Spruces to replace the trees felled by Hurricane Sandy.

These trees are real beauties. (A big thank you to Fred Weber and Deedee Burnside and Marsh Warden Mike Limatola for making it happen.)

Photo above is before planting; photo below is after.

Pics.140520.WhiteSpruce 034

Red-shouldered (Laura) By the Nest


Above is a photo of Laura the Red-shouldered Hawk (note band on right leg just after leaving her nest on Pittis Ave. in Allendale.

IMG_0472Stiles Thomas reminded me that this is the 15th year in a row that the endangered Red-shoulders have nested near the Celery Farm, and I felt guilty that I haven't spent more time there.

I spent almost an hour at the nest, starting just before noon, and saw at least one large whitish head of a nestling just after I arrived.

Did not manage to photograph the baby, but I did get several shots that might be of interest to fans of Laura and the Red-shouldered Hawks of Allendale -- of Laura, Laura and her mate, and Laura on and by nest follow.  They are in a photo album in the right-hand column of this blog.

Note: You can download a free iBook about these incredible birds of Alendale (and Ramsey). Look in the left-hand-column of this blog.