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February 2014

Rat Poisons Kill Raptors

This is a bit beyond the Celery Farm, but I want to continue to raise awareness about the problem that rat poisons that supposedly have been banned are causing for raptors.

This post from the 10,000 Birds blog sums up the problem well.

Here's the link. Sorry I did not post it sooner.

Here's a link to a column I did about a rat-poisoned Barred owl in Ridgefield Park last year.

Take the Birdy 30 Challenge

Takayama for birdwatcher(1)My latest column for The Record and Herald-News is about the new Birdy 30 challenge. It takes place this weekend.

Please participate -- it should be a lot of fun. 

Wild Birds Unlimited was nice enough to donate a nesting box to the winner.

(Thanks, WBU!)

The link is to the column, with all the details on the contest, is here.

(Illustration by George Takayama; thanks, George!)

Friday's Fyke Meeting: Puffin Pix!

Houghton puffin
The Speaker at Friday's Fyke Nature Association meeting is the terrific nature photographer Herb Houghton, who will speak and show his photos of the Puffins of Machias Seal Island.

Also on the menu: Common Murres, Razorbills and Gannets -- along with the actual seals that Machias Seal Island is named for.

The business meeting starts at 8, with Herb's presentation beginning shortly after. The presentation is free and open to the public. The location is Allendale Borough Hall, 500 W. Crescent Ave., Allendale.

Directions and a list of upcoming Fyke speakers are here.



Coming Tomorrow: A New Birdy 30

Takayama for birdwatcher(1)
Illustration by George Takayama.

My latest Bird Watcher column, in The Record and Herald-News on Thursday, announces a new Birdy 30 contest.

The object is to see how many species of birds you can see from a home or office window in one half-hour period between Friday morning and Sunday night.

There's even a neat prize for the winner. 

Should be fun, so please join in.