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January 2014

My Latest Column: Snowy Owls

Buckingham Snowy
For my latest column for The Record, I interviewed winter raptor expert Mike Britt about this winter's phenomenal Snowy Owl invasion.

As it turns out, I have seen a Snowy Owl as recently as yesterday, on the ice at DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst. Steve Buckingham took the photo above at DeKorte earlier this month.

The link to the column is here.

Joe Lafferty: Celery Farm Memories

Despite having fled the Garden State several years ago I still have a fond memories of all the time spent at the Celery Farm. 

I was long gone by the time the whimsical snakes put in an appearance but they reminded me of several other whimsies at the Farm. 

Chief among them are the plastic flowers, etc. that appeared attached to bushes from time to time. 

I am not sure who was responsible for that but I would be willing to place a large wager on his initials being S. T. 

More pix and memories follow.

Continue reading "Joe Lafferty: Celery Farm Memories" »

Yellow-throat at CF Yesterday

Rob Fanning writes:

Was shocked to see an adult male Com. Yellowthroat at the CF Friday during a quick lunch stroll.
It was in front of the Scout Platform--giving a few soft chip notes.
This represents the 1st January record for the CF. My only other winter record was  back on 2/9/98.  (Thanks, Rob!)