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July 2013

Moth Night is Next Wednesday!

We had this beautiful Leopard Moth appear at our moth-attracting lights in Allendale earlier this month.

(And other moths and a bunch of little bugs as well. Not too shabby!)

You just never know what might show up at Fyke's second annual "Moth Ball" at the historic John Fell House on July 31. 

Details are here.

More on National Moth Week here.

The Moth Ball is Next Wednesday!

Fyke Nature Association's second annual Moth Night is next Wednesday, July 31, at the historic John Fell House.

The event -- we're calling it "the Moth Ball" this year-- is part of the National Moth Week celebration, and a couple of the founders of this global event are hoping to attend.

The Moth Ball is free, and runs from 8:30 to 10 p.m. We'll present a very short talk (with pix)  about why moths matter 1-IMG_2644-001, and we'll set up white sheets and moth-attracting lights to see what we attract -- and try to identify the various (and sometimes beautiful) bugs dancing  on the cloth.

We will  paint a few trees with a moth-attracting bait to see what else flies in, and we have an amazing surprise attraction.

Our co-sponsors are the Concerned Citizens of Allendale, the fab folks who saved the Fell House and who hold nifty community events there.  

The Fell House is located at 475 Franklin Turnpike, just south of the Celery Farm Parking Lot.

Since parking is limited, please rsvp to Jim Wright at [email protected].