Fell House Events!
Time to Give Sapsuckers a Better Name!

Garret Mountain Grebe!

Roy Woodford writes:

"There's a mighty tame Pied-billed Grebe that's been hanging around Garret Mountain for the past few days … like 400mm on a crop body close.  This is full frame on a 600mm with a slight crop for framing … so less focal length than a 7D with a 400mm f/5.6.

"Garret Mountain is jumping these days … B&w and Palm warblers, R.C. Kinglets, Brown Thrashers, Eastern Towhees, Green Herons, Black Caps, Red-bellied woodpeckers, and so much more … oh … and one Osprey hunting (successfully but too far away for a shot)."  (Thanks, Roy!)
