Stiles Thomas reports that the Red-shouldered Hawks are bringing hemlock sprigs to their nest on Gray Avenue -- a great sign that they'll be nesting soon.
Just as an fyi: "Survival: The Red-shouldered Hawks of Allendale," the photo-driven book that so many of us contributed to, is available as an iBook for iPad and iPhone... The book features the history of these hawks in Allendale, and many terrific photos.
download sells for $2.99, with half the proceeds going to The Raptor
Trust, an amazing hawk rehabilitation center that saved the life of a
Red-shouldered Hawk named
Laura -- the main protagonist of the book.
Link to the download site, including a 15-page preview, is here. You can buy also soft-cover or hard-cover from this site -- beautiful but expensive -- or, better
yet, contact me. Maybe we can buy a bunch together and save money.
All proceeds go to The Raptor Trust...
The iPad version
will (I hope) put "Survival" in the hands of far more bird-lovers for
less than cost of postage for the book.
You can also download the book on iTunes here.
Full details follow.