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January 2013

'Central Park Effect' Is Out on DVD

"Birders: The Central Park Effect" is a nifty HBO documentary about birding,  nature, and -- of course -- birders and Central Park, and it out today on DVD.

I interviewed the filmmaker for The Record last year -- the link to that article is here.

I also wrote a column about the joys of birding, inspired by the movie -- link is here.

The link to the documentary's website is here.

Look Out for Ticks!

IMG_8828-1I am hearing the same message again and again, and thought I should share it:

Even though it is winter, you can still get ticks -- and all the diseases that many harbor, most notably Lyme Disease.

When you're in the Celery Farm, please stay on the trails at all times (as Celery Farm rules require already).

I am also hearing that the best tick defense is a pair of rubber boots (a.k.a. "Wellies" or Wellingtons).

"Nature of the Meadowlands": Free Talk on Friday!

Nature of Meadowlands cover lg-003I will be doing a free slide show and talk on my latest coffee-table book, "The Nature of the Meadowlands," on Friday night, Jan. 25, at the Allendale Municipal Building on Crescent Ave.

The talk, part of the Fyke Nature Association's monthly meeting, is open to the public. It will begin around 8:15 p.m., followed by a question-and-answer session.  Should be fun.

I'll have copies available for sale (and signing) after the talk. The book is also available at Wild Birds Unlimited in Paramus, Bookends in Ridgewood, and the Meadowlands Environment Center gift shop in DeKorte Park.

More on the book here.

Note: If you are attending the ANJEE conference next weekend in Plainsboro, I'll also be doing a free presentation on the book there at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 26.

E-mail me for more information on both events at wrightjamesb @