Help Edith Wallace Win a Much-Deserved Award
December 10, 2012
If you've taken one of Fyke Nature Association's Butterfly walks in the Celery Farm, or enjoyed the nifty pamphlet about the plants to be found in the Celery Farm, then you probably know of -- or know -- Edith Wallace.
But folks in other parts of New Jersey don't know about this state treasure, so we are trying to get their attention.
If you agree (and have not signed the petition already), please could cut and past the following, add your name and town, and e-mail it to me at [email protected].
We, the under-signed, urge the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey to give all due consideration to our mentor, colleague and friend Edith Wallace for this award. Edith is a true state treasure and tireless advocate for nature – with more than 50 years as a biology educator, more than 14 years as Master Gardener, and untold hours leading walks throughout northern New Jersey to help people reconnect with nature..