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December 2012

My Latest Column: Problem Wild Parakeets

Monk Parakeet JW
My latest column in The Record and Herald-News is about the local Monk Parakeet colonies, the recent problems they have been involved with, and possible solutions.

Here's a sample:

"Although these beautiful birds have developed a loyal following over the years — and established other colonies in Ridgefield and Leonia — they can create big headaches. They have a terrible tendency to build their huge stick nests atop utility poles, creating all sorts of costly problems.

"The encouraging news is that just as the birds have adapted to North Jersey, perhaps — just perhaps — we may be learning how to adapt to them."

The link is here.

Get Well Soon, John Brotherton!

Our friend and Fyke Treasurer John Brotherton was injured in the line of duty Saturday while serving as a citizen scientist on the Christmas Bird Count.  At the start of the count, he took a misstep, fell and fractured his left hip.

Long story short, "he now has three new screws to go with his bionic knees" and will be going to a rehab facility tomorrow.

You can send John a get-well card to his home address and it will be passed along to him with all deliberate speed:

John Brotherton
249 E. Crescent Ave.
Mahwah, NJ 07430

Get well soon, John! The word is that the count was at least five birds shy without you.

In Memoriam

Just wanted to say that my heart goes out to all those families in Newtown, Conn.

It feels strange, and a little bit awkward, to go about about our daily lives, including posting items on this blog, as though nothing has happened. I'm guessing all of us feel the same way.


Monday Mystery: Coop or Sharpie?

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Marsh Warden Mike Limatola had an accipiter at his feeders in Ho-Ho-Kus earlier this month, which raised the perennial question, Sharp-shinned or Cooper's Hawk? Mike posted a couple of shots -- I think this is the definitive one...

What do you think? Coop or Sharpie?

I had a similar accipiter perched on one of my feeders last week, but did not have a camera handy. Note to self: Always have camera ready.