Monday Mystery Answered
July 17, 2012
The answer to Monday's mystery is:
"Omnivorous leafroller moth," says Patrick Carney, who also took the photo.
(Thanks again, Patrick!) And thanks to William with the long e-mail name for the right ID! :- )
The answer to Monday's mystery is:
"Omnivorous leafroller moth," says Patrick Carney, who also took the photo.
(Thanks again, Patrick!) And thanks to William with the long e-mail name for the right ID! :- )
In honor of Moth Night at the Fell House next week, Patrick Carney submitted this photo -- taken in his yard in River Edge.
What kind of moth is it? (Thanks, Patrick!)
My story on the new HBO documentary "Birders: The Central Park Effect" is in The Record today on the front of Better Living:
"The documentary, produced and directed by Jeffrey Kimball, is terrific for all sorts of reasons — its beautiful footage of birds, its enchanting portrait of Central Park through the changing seasons, its understated message on urban conservation.
"All these factors, combined with some well-chosen interviews with folks who go birding in Central Park, add up to an extraordinary program that explains and captures the joys of bird-watching for birders and non-birders alike. And it all takes place in an urban oasis right in North Jersey's back yard."
The link is here.
Fyke's umpteenth annual Celery Farm Butterfly Walk is this Saturday, July 21, at 10:30 a.m. We meet at the Green Way entrance.
The only change this year is that we have named the walk after Tom Burr, who often led this walk with charm and great humor.
Note: The Hummingbird Clear-winged Moth photo above was taken Saturday in the revamped wildflower meadow -- commandeered by Fred Weber. (A huge thanks to Fred and all and any who helped him!!)
Full info on the July 21 walk follows.
Continue reading "Butterfly Walk: Next Saturday!" »
Six of us pulled Poison Ivy at the Celery Farm this morning for a half-hour.
We filled three garbage bags of the nasty weed from around the Warden's Watch and also removed plenty more from the parking lot area, the first part of the trail, and under the Norman Bench.
We would like to make this annual event -- the Poison Ivy at trailside is a continuing problem.
Thanks to all who helped -- Gabriele, Patty, Marko, Mike, Mike and Seymour.