Butterfly Walk Today, Dickcissel
July 21, 2012
To add to the fun at this morning's Celery Farm Butterfly Walk, we will also keep an eye out for a rare Dickcissel, which has been seen as recently as late Friday afternoon near the Green Way entrance where we'll meet.
This Dickcissel photo was taken Thursday at the CF By Chris Takacs (thanks, Chris!)
More on Dickcissels here.
More info on the Butterfly Walk follows.
July 21: Our July Celery Farm Butterfly Walk, renamed the Tom Burr Memorial Butterfly Walk, for the late Fyke member, naturalist and photographer. Meet at the end of Greenway at 10:30 AM for a 90 minute stroll. Dress for bright sun. Leaders: Jim Wright and others. (Register at wrightjamesb (at) gmail.com or 201-760-0804).