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June 2012

Monday Mystery Answered

DSCN4535Several folks correctly solved this Monday Morning Mystery.

As they surmised, this is the working end of a Green Heron (not sure what that means, but probably not good), seen last week above the trail near the Pirie Platform.

Congrats to all who were brave enough to be familiar with this view!

Turtle Maternity Ward

Now that the Snapping Turtles have finished laying their eggs in our yard, the Painted Turtles are getting into the act.

I am thinking it is a Painted Turtle because the shell -plates are aligned and there's some red on the legs. Any thoughts?




Celery Farm Highlights -- Birds, Plants

Did a walk in the Celery Farm on Tuesday morning with some friends from the New Jersey chapter of The Nature Conservancy.

Lots of highlights, including Red-shouldered, DSCN4555Red-tailed and Cooper's Hawks, Osprey, Baltimore Oriole, Red-breasted Grosbeak and a White-footed Mouse (right) that, unfortunately did not seem to be at the top of his game.

Barbara Brummer of TNC came up with a bird list and plant list (quite extensive), which follow. Might give a preview of what might be around ths weekend.

(Thanks, Barbara! Latin names for plant species available on request.)

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