My Latest 'Bird Watcher' Column
March 29, 2012
My latest "Bird Watcher" column for The Record and Herald News is about the legendary Harold Feinberg.
The link is here.
My latest "Bird Watcher" column for The Record and Herald News is about the legendary Harold Feinberg.
The link is here.
Monday's mystery was a Black-capped Chicadee -- an amazing little bird.
The link to a column I wrote about chickadees (featuring a photo of one eating out of the palm of someone's hand) is here.
(Thanks again to Patrick Carney for suggesting the mystery and providing the pix!)
Patrick Carney offered this teaser -- can you ID this bird from this view?
Photo taken recently at the Celery Farm.
Photographic answer tomorrow.
I have had reports of an American Woodcock peenting and displaying at Green Way at dusk (7:30) tonight and Tuesday night.
My column in The Record on woodcocks is here. (Thanks, Alice and Stiles!)
Kevin Watson is doing a free talk and slide show on the Galapagos Islands on Friday night at 8 at the Fyke meeting (Borough hall, Allendale) , and I thought I'd plug the show with a Monday Mystery all its own.
The bird in question was a -- you guessed it -- Blue-footed Booby. Congrats to Julia Fuhr for providing the right ID.