My Latest Column: Reposted With Link
November 25, 2011
My latest column in The Record and Herald-News today is about reasons to be thankful on this Thanksgiving Day.
The link is here.
My latest column in The Record and Herald-News today is about reasons to be thankful on this Thanksgiving Day.
The link is here.
"It was such a pretty morning at the Celery Farm, and there were two special surprises today to be thankful for; a Red Fox near the parking lot and a fly over the lake by an adult Bald Eagle.
"I, along with so many others, count the Celery Farm as one of the things that we are truly thankful for throughout the year.
"And thank you to Stiles Thomas for his foresight and determination in preserving this wonderful place for all of us." (Thanks, Barbara!)
I walked around the main loop this a.m. -- the path to the Warden's Watch, Parnell's Path and other parts of the trail are under a few inches of water. If you plan to go to the CF today or anytime soon, wear boots!
A wonderful day to be outside nonetheless.
By the way, the special Thanksgiving Hour on the Tower produced a glorious Bald Eagle (of course, I did not bring my telephoto..., but hoping for a photo from a friend of the Celery Farm.)
I really liked yesterday's mystery -- thanks to Tom Hicks for suggesting it.
I think everyone was on the same page -- immature Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Always a great bird to find, and typically tough to photograph...
Several of us had the bird at the start of the Christmas Bird Count two years ago. Here's a link to that post, with photo.