The Swift Certificate Presentation
September 27, 2011
The Fyke Nature Association and Bergen County Aududon Society presented Ridgewood's George Washington Middle School with an awesome certificate last night to recognize the school's efforts to preserve a prime roost for migrating Chimney Swifts -- in the huge chimney of the school.
Pictured are certificate illustrator Paula Dias, Bergen County Audubon Society President Beth Goldberg, and Fyke Nature Association president Mike Limatola and Caroline Hoffman, Assistant Principal of the Middle School.
The certificate was the brainchild of John Workman and Kurt Muenz, who has been keeping track of the Chimney Swift activity at the school for years.
Below, a photo last night of some of the swifts enjoying the free lodging in the chimney. Lots of swifts still appearing nightly at dusk.