My Latest 'Bird Watcher': Sandy Komito
Let the Competition Begin!

Mount Pete Hawk Watch Is Open

Judy Cinquina reports:

The Mount Peter Hawk Watch clean up on Wednesday was a big success, although we could have used a few more volunteers. It's a challenge to keep ahead of fast growing trees on our 5-acre site. 

I owe a  very big thank you to Denise Farrell, Tom Millard, Gene Tappan and Ken Witkowski for making our annual fall hawk watch possible. Tom rebuilt the stairs to the platform, which kept him on the mountain until 4:30. His reward late in the day was 1 Bald Eagle, a small kettle of Broadwings, and 1 Kestrel. And wait to you see the new sight lines. Ken cut down quite a few trees, which will hopefully enable us to snag those low-flying raptors, especially eagles that like to sneak through the east gap.

Our annual watch begins today, September 1 and will continue through November 15. Unless you have an SUV, it's best to park in the lower lot near the ice cream store and walk up our pot-holed road. But the hike it short, and the rewards are many. Visitors are always welcome, 9a.m. - 5p.m. daily.

Judy Cinquina, Coordinator
Mount Peter Hawk Watch
