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About Manfred's Mom

Red-Shouldered Hawk Nest: Success!

I have been waiting anxiously to be able to post this wonderful news:

The Red-shouldered Hawk pair in Allendale has had a successful nest. Their one offspring this spring, named Manfred by Marsh Warden Emeritus Stiles Thomas, has fledged and is flying around the area on his own.

Red-shoulders, which have lost most of their habitat statewide, are endangered when breeding and a threatened species in New Jersey year-round.  They have tried to nest in Allendale and nearby Ramsey for 10 years, and have produced just four fledglings.

I am writing about Manfred and his parents for my next "Bird Watcher" column in The Record. It will run on June 23.

(Above photo by Jerry Barrack, who has been photographing Manfred ever since the young red-shoulder first popped his fuzzy little head up. Thanks, Jerry!)

Tomorrow: A 2008 video of Manfred's Mom.
