About Manfred's Mom
Monday Morning Mystery 061311

All About Our Red-shouldered Hawks

Red-shouldered hawk 01
Other posts on Allendale's Red-shouldered Hawks (photo above from 2009):

Red-shouldered Hawks have attempted to nest in Allendale and nearby Ramsey since 2002.

We had a successful nest in 2004. 2007 was a calamity, with a female Red-shoulder dying after colliding wth a window.

In 2008, a female Red-shoulder was again found injured, but this one survived and was named Laura, after the woman who found her.

She had a nest with two hatchlings in 2009, but fell victm to predators.

In 2010, we saw no successful nests.

May 1, 2007: Red-shouldered Hawk Injured in Allendale

May 3, 2007: An Epilogue

May 2, 2007: All About the First Successful Nest in 2004 (a must-read, I must say!)

October 26, 2007: Red-shoulders in Love?

March 3, 2008: Red-shouldered Found Injured

March 5, 2008: Injured Hawk Update

March 12, 2008: Injured Hawk Makes an Amazing Recovery

May 26, 2009: Sad News about the two nestlings


