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May 2011

Bat Count Success

Did a bat count several miles away from the Celery Farm Sunday at dusk and counted 15 bats leaving an attic. Will be revisiting the site three more times over the summer to see how they are faring.

I am thinking these are large Brown Bats, but hard to tell.  Great to see bats again!



Snapping Turtle Nursery

If you are wondering where a lot of Celery Farm Snapping Turtles lay their eggs, wonder no more.

Many like to lay their eggs in my sideyard, which -- thanks to my wife, Patty -- is a backyard habitat with mulch (and a lot of native plants).

The sideyard looks like a minefield these days -- raccoons dig up most of the eggs the night after they are placed in the soil by the mommas.

If you are walking past my yard in the next few days, look out for these bruisers. One was laying eggs in the backyard 10 minutes ago.