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February 2011

Celery Farm: Ice, Teevees, Mergs

The trails at the Celery Farm are currently icy and treacherous. A walk to the Scout Platform netted several Hooded Mergansers, Canada Geese, two Turkey Vultures and plenty of gulls.  Plenty of high winds, too.

One sign of spring: Red-winged Blackbirds are at my feeders -- as many as a dozen perched nearby at once...

DeKorte Park Duck Map

IMG_8687 If you're planning to visit DeKorte Park in the Meadowlands soon, check out a new "duck map" that will give you an idea of what ducks are being seen in which impoundments.

The Record's Jim O'Neill did a story on the map in the EnviroWatch section in today's editions.

Link is here, with a one-click to see the map, which includes photos of 12 of the most commonly seen ducks this time of year. (I helped put the map together and most of took the photos.)

Ducks seen this morning at DeKorte include Canvasback, Ring-neck, Bufflehead, Common Merg, Gadwall, Black Duck, Ruddy  and Mallard. 

(Rob Fanning reports seeing 10+ Hooded Mergs at the CF this morning, and his first Wood Duck of the year at Halifax Road yesterday.)